Man-Made Global Warming Hoax Debunked at UN
Sept. 23, 2015 (EIRNS)—On the eve of the major push at the United Nations for the murderous Green agenda, Executive Intelligence Review held a press conference/seminar at the UN Sept. 22, where its new special report “ ‘Global Warming’ Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science” was released. The featured speakers were Benjamin Deniston, of the LaRouche PAC science team, and Tom Wysmuller, a NASA scientist and meteorologist, who is a member of the group “The Right Climate Stuff.” That group includes 20+ scientists and engineers, who are primarily retired veterans of the manned space program, and who argue that there is no case for “man-made global warming.”
Wysmuller gave a PowerPoint presentation which he characterized correctly as a “short course in debunking man-made global warming.” Deniston reviewed sections of the Special Report, with emphasis on the necessity for increased energy-flux density in power sources, to deal with real economic problems in the world today.
The event can be found in full video stream at