EIR Daily Alert Announces New Pricing
Oct. 9, 2015 (EIRNS)—As of this week, Executive Intelligence Review’s Daily Alert Service, which provides a concise strategic briefing delivered to the subscriber’s e-mail five mornings a week, has implemented a new price schedule, geared to rapidly expanding the circulation of this service.
Since the Fall of 2014, the danger of the global crisis, and the opportunities for resolving it have only intensified, increasing the need for daily briefings into those prepared to act.
EIR Daily Alert readers get the picture before most intelligence services in the world, not to mention your ordinary news sources. A prominent example is Russian President Putin’s game-changing intervention into Syria—whose significance Lyndon LaRouche identified before it was world headlines on September 3.
As of this week, EIR is offering its Daily Alert Service for $1200 a year (260 issues), with corresponding prices for half a year ($600) and a monthly subscription ($100).
Every day counts in today’s showdown to save civilization. Those determined to act need EIR’s intelligence, now priced for rapid expansion of circulation.
For more information call the toll-free number 1-703-297-8434