British Religious War in Israel: Temple Mount
Oct. 16, 2015 (EIRNS)—Eight Israelis have died in stabbing incidents and other attacks by Palestinians, and 36 Palestinians have been killed in attacks from Israeli security forces, on the West Bank and in Jerusalem in the past month, in a simmering war that has exploded into what many are calling a new Intifada. Since July, 2015, when Jewish terrorists attacked a Palestinian home in the West Bank and set it on fire, killing an 18-month-old baby and critically injuring his mother and other family members, the Palestinian population has been ready to explode. The arson attack that killed the Palestinian toddler came one year after Jewish terrorists from the settlers movement kidnapped and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian in Jerusalem by setting him on fire. The attackers in both incidents are known to be part of the radical settlers movement that carry out “price tag” attacks on Muslim homes, businesses, schools, etc. [I.e., if Palestinians stay on Jewish land, they will pay the “price tag.”]
In September, 2015, during the Jewish holidays, fighting broke out on the Temple Mount site of the Al Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock, when Jewish extremists staged several provocative incidents around their campaign to drive Muslims off the holy site. Jewish fundamentalist crazies backed by elite British institutions like the Quatuor Coronati masonic lodge, have been plotting against the Al Aqsa mosque since the early 1980s, as EIR has exposed in several special reports, including the 2001 report, "Who’s Sparking a Religious War in the Middle East".
This week, State Dept. spokesman John Kirby (a retired Rear Admiral and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Media) answered question about the Israel-Palestine fighting and said that both sides are "equally guilty of acts of terrorism." For this statement—which was retracted—members of the House Republican Jewish Caucus are demanding that Kirby be fired, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican presidential candidate, has demanded that Secretary of State Kerry resign.