LaRouche PAC Webcast Presents Evidence: Mass-Murderer Obama Must Be Removed from Office Now!
Oct. 17, 2015 (EIRNS)—In response to a directive from statesman Lyndon LaRouche, EIR’s Jeffrey Steinberg devoted his presentation during the weekly LaRouche PAC webcast on Oct. 16 to documenting the record of President Obama’s mass murder, a record which demands his immediate removal from office by either impeachment or the application of the 25th Amendment.
Steinberg’s review took off from the recent release from the Intercept website entitled “The Drone Papers,” [[url]] which compiled a mass of material, some based on recently leaked documents, others on interviews, and official statements on the program. He urged viewers to study the documents for themselves.
If you do, he said, you will have to agree that President Obama functions at the top of a structure dedicated to mass murder, through which he personally decides who will live and who will die. At that point, you will have to agree with Lyndon LaRouche that President Obama must be thrown out of office now, as the precondition for creating a new Presidency of the United States, that adheres to its Constitution through a new community of nations, devoted to the common aims of mankind.
The full webcast can be accessed at