Obama and Bush Are Responsible for a Half-Million Unnecessary Deaths in the U.S. Since 1999
Nov. 3, 2015 (EIRNS)—It wasn’t done by drones, but equally deadly economic and social policies carried out by the Bush and Obama administrations, under direct Wall Street orders, have led to a shocking, sharp increase in mortality rates among white, non-Hispanic Americans aged 45-54. That is the finding documented in a study issued in mid-September by two Princeton University economists, Anne Case and 2015 Nobel Economics Laureate Angus Deaton, which is now receiving widespread media attention nationally.
Case and Deaton further show that, if the mortality rate
"had continued to decline at its previous (1979-1998) rate, half a million deaths would have been avoided in the period 1999-2013."
That is a half-million unnecessary deaths that belong right on the doorstep of Obama and Bush, and their Wall Street policies.
These findings serve to underscore Lyndon LaRouche’s repeated insistence that Obama’s policies are leading to sharply increased death rates in the American population. LaRouche today further commented: Why didn’t we, as a nation, years back, take action to stop this from happening? How did people get set up to accept the economic policies of destruction of science and industry, along with endless bailouts of Wall Street? How were we induced to submit, to do this to ourselves?
Action must be taken immediately, LaRouche continued, to remove Obama from the Presidency by Constitutional means. Otherwise the Satanic Obama will continue to kill through economic policies, kill with his drone attacks, kill with further illegal wars and the stream of desperate refugees they are producing, and kill with threatened thermonuclear confrontation with Russia and China. Obama is not some kind of genius, LaRouche stated; he’s just Satanic, and has people terrorized, including most of the Congress of the United States. But if you don’t stand up to Obama and change his policies, you are incompetent—and will soon be a dead bunny.
The Case and Deaton study documents that from 1999 to 2014—the Bush and Obama years—the mortality rate among white non-Hispanic Americans aged 45-54 rose by more than 10%; the poorer, less-educated stratum within this age cohort saw a 22% rise in their mortality rate.
"This change reversed decades of progress in mortality and was unique to the United States: no other rich country saw a similar turnaround,"
the authors wrote. In fact, many countries (such as Germany and France) saw declines of 25% and 30% in mortality rates for the same age cohort during this same time period.
As shocking as the dramatic rise in the mortality rate as such, are its causes:
"This increase for whites was largely accounted for by increasing death rates from drug and alcohol poisonings, suicide, and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis,"
the authors wrote, taking particular note of the skyrocketing use of opioid drugs and heroin among this age group. And they reached the following chilling conclusion: "Those currently in midlife may be a ‘lost generation’ whose future is less bright than those who preceded them."
This is a marker of a New Dark Age now sweeping the U.S. The headline on the Nov. 2 New York Times article covering this story was "Dying in Middle Age." It could well have been: "Dying in the Middle Ages."
The link to the study is