Merkel Warns that Hostility Against Refugees Can Trigger War
Nov. 3, 2015 (EIRNS)—At a reportedly turbulent Christian Democratic Union party event in Darmstadt, where Chancellor Angela Merkel met with much criticism for her refugee policy, she warned in her 30-minute keynote against building barbed wire fences and deployment of armed forces against the refugee influx along the borders, such as between Hungary and Serbia. This, she said, already now is provoking tensions between countries there and can even lead to armed conflicts—wars in the Balkans, as in the 1990s.
Hungary has spent three times more for the fence than for refugee aid. And if refugees no longer can enter Hungarian territory, they will seek other routes anyway. The refugee influx to Germany becomes somewhat slowed down but does not stop. Merkel urged an emergency crisis conference of the Balkans countries to deal with the challenges in a humane way.
The German mainstream media are meanwhile pursuing "Merkel-Gate" at full steam: whereas the weekend edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung accused Merkel of sacrificing the Christian European values to the Islamic invaders that storm Europe in the form refugees, Switzerland’s financial daily Neue Zürcher Zeitung has a full-page piece today, written by former longtime Bildzeitung editor-in-chief Hans-Hermann Tiedje, headlined "Merkeldämmerung" (Merkel’s twilight), saying that Merkel’s political end will come anyway—whether she admits the refugee policy was a mistake or not. Also, Hessen TV, reporting on Merkel’s appearance in Darmstadt yesterday, noted that she was rather relaxed, although most her own party is against her now and her own Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, is at the door waiting to take over. Widely reported in the media also: Free Democratic Party politician Florian Rentsch is calling for a national referendum on the refugee issue, which he is confident will go against Merkel.