Hillary Fumbles: Call It, the ‘Glass-Steagall Effect’
Nov. 16, 2015 (EIRNS)—Hillary Clinton is being roundly pummelled in both the Democratic Party and the press today, for confirming that she is Wall Street’s candidate, by her ridiculous (and revealing) statements—made during the Nov. 14 Democratic Party Debate—that Wall Street is showering her with cash because she helped them "rebuild" after the 9/11 terror attacks!
Clinton was coming under pressure from Bernie Sanders for taking huge chunks of money from Wall Street interests. "Well, why do they make millions of dollars of campaign contributions? They expect to get something. Everybody knows that," Sanders said.
Flustered, Clinton demanded a rebuttal. "I represented New York and I represented New York on 9/11 when we were attacked," she said after composing herself.
"Where were we attacked? We were attacked in downtown Manhattan, where Wall Street is," she said, her voice rising. "I did spend a whole lot of time and effort to rebuild. That was good for New York, it was good for the economy, and it was a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked our country!"
Questioned after the debate, Martin O’Malley would only say,
"I’ll let her answer that gaffe. I think it was one of the biggest ones of the night."
A Sanders aide agreed, calling it one of the "pivotal moments" of the debate. Republicans, too, were smelling blood in the water, with one RNC strategist calling it, "an intersection between stupid and offensive," just the kind of "sound bite" which they would relish for future campaign ads.
The number-crunchers at International Business Times were quick to comply, compiling a list of Clinton’s Wall Street contributions to her Senate campaign (before her missionary work following the 2001 terror attacks).
"The securities and investment sector was Clinton’s third-largest source of campaign cash in the 2000 cycle,"
they wrote,
"after lawyers and retirees. In fact, four of Clinton’s top ten campaign donors during the election were employees of major Wall Street banks Citigroup ($105,650), Goldman Sachs ($89,920), JP Morgan ($53,750) and UBS ($53,750). On top of that, employees of Credit Suisse gave her $47,500 and employees of Bear Stearns gave her $39,400. According to CRP [Center for Responsive Politics] data, Clinton in 2000 was, out of all U.S. Senate candidates that year, the No. 2 recipient of campaign cash from employees of hedge funds, the third-largest from employees of private equity firms, the fourth-largest from employees of commercial banks and the sixth-largest from employees of mortgage bankers and brokers."
Clinton has marked herself the Wall Street candidate on two major occasions now; the first being her refusal to touch Glass-Steagall when it was raised at an appearance in May, by an activist with LaRouche PAC.