France, Russia Working on UNSC Resolutions Against ISIS
Nov. 19, 2015 (EIRNS)—Russia has resurrected a draft resolution in the UN Security Council that it had proposed earlier, but that was not considered, because it called on other nations to coordinate with the governments where they were operating, obviously including Syria, a concept rejected by the United States and United Kingdom, in particular.
Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, told Tass that the resolution is revised in accordance with the statement on terrorism from the G-20 summit in Antalya, Turkey. Churkin said the revised document focusses on "the need to join efforts" in the struggle against the Islamic State. It also takes into account the French efforts.
"We have tried to revise our draft so that our French co-workers’ sentiments would be taken into consideration, but we thought it was unreasonable to wait for a new draft. All the more, with ours ’on the table,’"
the Russian envoy said.
The "new draft" was a reference to the fact that France is working on its own draft resolution to the Security Council, which would authorize military action against ISIS. The French UN ambassador, François Delattre, described it as "short, strong and focused on the fight against our common enemy."
Delattre said that the Russian proposal "is a contribution that we will carefully study," indicating, reports Reuters, that France is not ready to team up with Russia on a joint proposal.