Victory of Vulture Fund Candidate in Argentina Signals Attack on the BRICS
Nov. 23, 2015 (EIRNS)—The City of London and its allied vulture funds are crowing that one of their own, neoliberal Mauricio Macri of the Cambiemos coalition, won Argentina’s Nov. 22 Presidential runoff election, albeit narrowly with 51.4% of the vote against 48.6% for Victory Front candidate Daniel Scioli, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s chosen successor.
As City of London mouthpiece The Economist chortled in its coverage today, Macri’s victory "marks a shift away from populism, for Argentina—and South America," by which it means a a return to the destructive free-market monetarism which looted Argentina in the 1990s and led to its unprecedented 2001 debt default. Macri is expected to try to quickly make a deal with the predatory vulture funds which have waged war on Argentina for more than a decade, so as to "return to the international financial markets," and start taking on new foreign debt. This, he says, will make Argentina a "predictable" country once again.
The London weekly was equally thrilled that Macri intends to "rebalance" Argentina’s foreign policy away from BRICS nations Russia and China, with whom President Fernández has established a close working relationship, in favor of "normal" relations with the U.S. and Europe. Cristina Fernández has repeatedly clashed with Barack Obama, on his British-imperialist foreign policy. By electing Macri, The Economist predicts, Argentina "may be setting a precedent for the rest of the region," by which other "left-leaning" heads of state might be toppled. BRICS member Brazil, whose President Dilma Rousseff is under political assault, is a prime target.
In a press conference this morning, Macri made clear he intends not only to dismantle key aspects of President Fernández’s economic policies, such as currency and exchange controls, but to also launch a legal vendetta against members of the Kirchner government for alleged "corruption." No one could miss the message as to his targets, in his vow that he intends to give the judiciary, a dirty faction of which is allied with him politically, and has tried to overthrow President Fernández, "all the freedom necessary to go in depth after those who committed actions that violated the law."