Call for 50,000 U.S. Troops in Syria by Robert Kagan, Mr. Victoria Nuland
Nov. 27, 2015 (EIRNS)—The husband of Obama’s State Department officer, Victoria Nuland, the deranged Robert Kagan, issued a call for large-scale U.S. ground troops in Syria, in a column last week, now making the rounds of neo-con networks. In the Nov. 20 Wall Street Journal, he wrote that a ’safe zone’ must be set up in Syria, to retain residents, and draw back refugees. "To establish such a zone, American military officials estimate, would require not only U.S. air power, byt ground forces numbering up to 30,000...the initial force would have to be largely American.
"In addition, a further 10,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops would be required to uproot Islamic State," including in Iraq.
Kagan’s article is titled, "The Crisis of World Order." He is a co-founder of Project for a New American Century and is currently a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute. Victoria Nuland is Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.