Italian Physicists Dissociate from Climate Fascists
Dec. 8, 2015 (EIRNS)—Three prestigious Italian scientific organizations, the Italian Physics Society (SIF), the Historical Oceanography Society, and the Union of Agricultural Academies have pulled out of a statement drafted by eleven Italian associations addressed to the Paris COP21 climate conference. Another group, the Italian Chemistry Association, had never joined the statement.
The statement, drafted at the "Science Symposium on Climate" held in Rome Nov. 19-20, proclaimed: "Human influence on the climate system is unequivocal, and it is extremely likely that human activities are the dominant cause of warming since the mid-20th century: continued warming increases the risks of severe, pervasive, and irreversible impacts on the climate system."
In a message motivating its dissociation, the SIF wrote: "Scientific truths cannot be based on generalized consensus, confusing science and politics as it is occurring now."
"Some certainties are not certainties; we must be careful," SIF chairwoman Luisa Cifarelli explained to the daily La Repubblica. "There are no climate equations, and I disagree with the statement that the role of man on warming is unequivocal.
"I asked that words such as ’likelihood’ or ’probability’ instead of ’unequivocal,’ be used", Professorad Cifarelli explained, "but I was mistreated."
The SIF, founded in 1897, is the oldest and most representative organization of Italian physicists. Among those groups that have endorsed the climate statement, physicists are barely represented.