China Scholar Warns of U.S. Drive for War on China
Dec. 29, 2015 (EIRNS)—"The core objective of the U.S. strategy is, in U.S. President Barack Obama’s own words, ‘Don’t do stupid shit.’ But the past over ten years have been fraught with stupid decisions made by the U.S."
So says Zhao Minghao, a fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, writing in the Global Times today. (Chongyang Institute co-sponsored with EIR the Chinese-language version of EIR’s report The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.)
Zhao reviews the destruction brought on by the Bush and Obama policies in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, creating the scourge of ISIS. He then writes:
"But what’s more worrying is that Washington is likely to catastrophically make the South China Sea the eye of the storm in the Asia-Pacific region. Its ‘freedom of navigation’ operations carried out frequently near Chinese islands and reefs as well as the recent ‘unintended’ flyover by two B-52 bombers are considered serious military provocations by Beijing.... Despite being non-claimants in the South China Sea disputes, close US allies such as Australia and Japan also attempt to be part of the dangerous power game.
"Many people worry that a military conflict is likely to happen between China and the U.S. with the U.S. intensifying its military actions against China in the South China Sea.... The Pentagon at present seemingly believes that Beijing will remain restrained no matter how provocative it is.
"The U.S. overestimates its chance of winning a possible armed conflict with China. China has highly accurate long-range anti-ship cruise missiles. Besides, it has the advantage of fighting a war at its own door while the U.S. Navy has to travel a long distance."