Zichichi Blasts Climate Change as ‘Cultural Pollution’
Dec. 30, 2015 (EIRNS)—Antonino Zichichi (pronounce: Zeekeekee), head of the World Federation of Scientists and founder of the Ettore Majorana center in Erice, Sicily, blasted climate change hysteria in an interview with the Naples daily Il Mattino. Zichichi's statements are especially important in view of the fact that the Italian scientist, a prominent catholic, had kept a low profile after the Pope enciclica Laudato Sí. Under Pope Benedict, Zichichi had been a reference for the debate in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, helping to protect the Church from Malthusian infiltrations. Under the new Pope, however, the dam was broken, and the Malthusian faction has taken over.
Pollution is one thing, Zichichi said,
"but greenhouse effect is something different and man has little to do with it. I challenge climatologists to demonstrate that in a hundred years the earth will be overheated. Climate change history is an opinion, a mathematical model which claims to demonstrate the indemonstrable.
"We researchers can barely say what is the weather in fifteen years, forget in a hundred years. In the name of what kind of reason do they claim to describe future scenarios on the earth and therapies to save the earth, if mechanisms of the climatic engine are still unknown? It is soothsaying.
"In order to say what the weather will be in many years, we should be able to describe the evolution of weather second after second, both in space and in time. But this evolution is fed also by changes produced by evolution itself. It is a system based on three equations which has no analytical solution".
Scientists who agree on global warming
"have built mathematical models which are suitable to their aims. They use too many free, arbitrary parameters. They manipulate calculations with some assumptions so that results fit to their idea. But scientific method is something different.
"To say that man is responsible for global over-heating is a baseless enormity: pure cultural pollution. Man's action effects climate for not more than ten per cent. Ninety per cent of climate change is ruled by natural phenomena whose future evolutions scientists today, as I said, do not know and cannot know."
Prof. Zichichi, 85, played a key role in the promotion of USA-USSR cooperation on the Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980s, organizing seminars with American and Soviet scientists in his Erice center.