China Will Sell Saudi Arabia 4th-Generation Nuclear Power Technology
Jan. 22, 2016 (EIRNS)—China and Saudi Arabia signed an MOU on Jan. 19th during President Xi’s visit in the Middle East, for the construction of a nuclear plant, which, world nuclear news reports, will be a high-temperature gas-cooled fourth-generation nuclear reactor. This is most extraordinarily future-oriented, and shows the confidence China has in its science and technology and advanced manufacturing capabilities, since China has only a demonstration HTGR reactor under construction. It is scheduled to go into operation in 2017. The Chinese have proposals under review to build commercial reactors in China, but they are jumping right into comercial sales in the export market, in advance.
China Nuclear Energy Corporation said in a statement:
"After 30 years of basic research, experimental reactor operation and demonstration projects, China has now systematically mastered all the key HTR technologies."
CNEC said it is actively promoting HTR technology overseas, and has signed MOUs with Saudi Arabia, Dubai, South Africa, "and other countries and regions." For the Saudis and others, desalination is a key application for nuclear.
The CNEC statement said that the agreement with Saudi Arabia "will bring further cooperation between China and other partners along the Belt and Road initiative," china daily] reports, "which includes more than 60 economies."