Chinese Scientist on New Results in Gravitation Waves
Feb. 18, 2016 (EIRNS)—As China’s scientific community studies which experiments it will pursue to study gravitational waves, program head Hu Wenrui, a member of China’s Academy of Science, said yesterday, that "China has to actively participate in the research." Expanding on the "Taiji" research program, Hu said,
"If we launch our own satellites, we will have a chance to be a world leader in gravitational wave research in the future."
Hu said,
"Metaphorically speaking, if the research into gravitational waves is a symphony, the discovery of the LIGO experiment makes a good prelude, by proving the hypothetical wave does exist. But I believe the other movements will mostly be composed of new discoveries from space observatory devices, because the low and middle [frequency] bands—which can only be detected from space—are the most extensive sources of gravitational waves."