The Economist Goes Berserk Against Kerry-Lavrov Syria Efforts
Feb. 24, 2016 (EIRNS)—The Economist, the mouthpiece for the British Imperial crowd, is furious at the successful efforts by John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov to hammer out a ceasefire agreement for Syria. The Economist’s line of attack, echoed by U.S. neocons almost verbatim, is that, with the Russian intervention, Syrian President Assad has been saved, and now the rebels are on the verge of being crushed. Therefore, there is no way the Russians will abide by the ceasefire that Kerry and Lavrov have worked so tirelessly on achieving.
“Since Russia’s intervention at the end of September, supposedly to attack IS and JAN [Jabhat al-Nusra], the dynamics on the ground have been transformed,”
The Economist complained.
“Once close to collapse, the regime of Bashar al-Assad is now confident of its survival and intent on regaining control of more territory. Pro-Assad forces are encircling the rebel-held parts of Aleppo, once Syria’s biggest city. Why should he and Mr Putin stop now?”
The Economist went on to attack Kerry: “The only puzzle is what John Kerry, America’s Secretary of State, thought he could achieve through his agreement with Mr. Lavrov—except, perhaps, to expose Russian cynicism. As John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee put it: ‘This is diplomacy in the service of military aggression. And it is working because we are letting it.’"
The other Economist spin, is that the Kurds are really out to establish an independent Kurdish state, under the control of the YPD, called Rojava.