FRAUD! Federal Judge Protects Saudis, But Orders Iran To Pay $10.5 Billion to 911 Victims and Chubb Insurance
March 11, 2016 (EIRNS)—Barack Obama’s refusal to release the classified 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Report on the September 11th terrorist attacks—kept secret since 2002—is behind one of the biggest judicial frauds in recent history. In New York Federal Court this week, Iran was ordered to pay $10.5 billion to 911 victims’ families and to Chubb Insurance, one of the British Empire’s insurance giants—by the same Federal Judge, George Daniels, who is protecting Saudi Arabia. The basis of the order is that it was a default judgement—Iran did not appear in court to contest the preposterous charges filed years ago, and a top Iranian official today told RT that Iran never knew about the case.
Meanwhile, on March 10th, the 9/11 families who are suing Saudi Arabia in a class action suit filed an appeal with the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn Judge Daniels’ lower court ruling (in August 2015) where he gave the Saudi Monarchy a free pass and took the Kingdom out of the lawsuit based on "sovereign immunity," and based on insufficient evidence. The appeal seeks to restore Saudi Arabia as a defendant.
CBS and AP coverage today quoted plaintiff attorney Jerry Goldman:
"In light of the quality and quantity of material submitted, we believe that the plaintiffs have demonstrated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia committed acts on U.S. soil that were instrumental in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks."
The fact the 28 pages are still kept secret deprived the plaintiffs of some crucial official evidence of the Saudi role.
One day earlier, on March 9, Judge George Daniels in New York issued an order for Iran to pay over $10.5 billion for the victims of 9/11 and the insurance companies, when Iran had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks done by Al Qaeda operatives who have been traced to getting financial support from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.