Brazilian Senate Approves Impeachment of Rousseff; Interim Government Assumes Power to Cheers from Wall Street
May 12, 2016 (EIRNS)—In the early hours of Wednesday morning, Brazil’s Senate voted to open an impeachment trial against President Dilma Rousseff, which will now move forward in the Senate over the next 180 days. Rousseff is suspended from her office during that trial, and today handed power over to Vice President Michel Temer—and his anointed Treasury Minister, former FleetBoston Global Bank president Henrique Meirelles.
In a press conference before leaving the Presidential seat, remarks to supporters as she left the building through the front door, and a 10 minute video call-to-arms released through social media, an unapologetic Rousseff reiterated that she committed no crime, accepted no blackmail from anyone, and is being ousted by "a fraudulent impeachment, a true coup." She promised to defend herself vigorously; it is not only my mandate which is at stake, she said, "but respect for the ballot box.... What is at stake here is the future of the country."
South America is in an uproar over the decision. The government of Argentina’s President Mauricio "Panama Papers" Macri, like that of Barack "Killer" Obama, issued a statement "respecting" the institutions of Brazil in their unconstitutional coup.
Not so the Secretariat General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), whose head Ernesto Samper called a press conference today to warn that the Brazilian Senate’s decision raises serious concerns about the consolidation of the rule of law and democratic governability in Brazil, and therefore for the region as a whole. Samper stated that Rousseff’s impeachment violates the Brazilian Constitution, because she was ousted not on the basis of a single criminal charge, but for administrative malfeasance. If the ouster of a president on such charges is accepted, any president in the region could be impeached on such grounds, opening the door for legislative majorities to criminalize administrative acts, so as to throw out governments elected by a majority of the voters. Without pronouncing itself on the interim government, Samper said, UNASUR’s General Secretariat considers Dilma Rousseff the Constitutional President of Brazil, until the trial is concluded.
Temer’s announced "Government of National Salvation" opens the door to rapid descent into ungovernability in South America’s largest nation. Temer’s people put out the word today that the new government intends to move quickly on the economic austerity program demanded by the British Empire interests which have installed him in power (with Obama’s help), starting with ripping up pensions and labor rights. Temer’s Justice Minister Alexandre de Moraes threatened earlier this week to bring criminal charges against pro-Dilma demonstrators who blocked roads in Sao Paulo, thus earning the sobriquet of "Temer’s pit bull."
Demonstrating that Temer’s government is mere toilet-paper for the imperial chaos operation, Jornal do Brasil reported today that fully 65% of the 55 Senators solemnly "voting their conscience" to remove the President are themselves compromised, either facing judicial actions currently—many stemming from the so-called "Car Wash" bribery investigation; and some accused in the past (11 of those were found guilty in those actions).