San Francisco Seminar with LaRouches Poses Alternatives: Join the Silk Road, or Nuclear War
June 8, 2016 (EIRNS)—The Schiller Institute’s Strategic Seminar in San Francisco today, drew 70 guests and experts to discuss the urgent topic "Will the U.S. Join the New Silk Road? Global Scientific Development or Nuclear War." That question is to join the One Belt, One Road world infrastructure plan put forward by China, or stick with the collapsing Western economies, whose bankruptcy is fueling the danger of a global nuclear war.
The high-level speakers included Lyndon LaRouche, renowned strategic and economic thinker; Helga Zepp-LaRouche, also known as "the Silk Road Lady" for her worldwide campaign to create the "New Silk Road" policy now put forward by China, and to have it adopted worldwide as the alternative to war; U.S. Sen. Mike Gravel (1969-1981), who read the classified "Pentagon Papers" into the Congressional proceedings in 1971; Hon. Sergey Petrov, Consul General of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco; Dr. Howard Chang, internationally renowned expert on water sedimentation, and Kesha Rogers, twice the Democratic Party candidate in Houston’s 12th C.D.—the home of NASA. The Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Philippino communities were represented in the audience.
Helga LaRouche presented the audience with the fact of NATO’s deployment on Russsia’s border, with the Aegis system in Romania, and a USS Ross in the Black Sea, leaving the Russians in a position where NATO missiles could reach Moscow in five minutes—necessitating a "Launch on Warning" policy. Unlike the 1980s, when thousands demonstrated against the nuclear missiles in Europe and Russia ready to "launch on warning," today the neo-cons in the Obama administration have recreated this danger without protest in the West. There is also the danger of confrontation with China in the South China Sea.
In this climate, China’s President Xi made a decision in 2013 to end geopolitics, and re-establish the New Silk Road, building water, power, and transportation infrastructure around the world. Zepp-LaRouche pointed to China’s 20,000 km of fast trains built through 2015, whereas there are no fast trains in the U.S. She concluded, "Connect with China in self-interest, or face nuclear war."
Mrs. LaRouche addressed the problem of Obama remaining President, by pointing to the urgently needed release of the classified "28 pages" of the Congressional 9/11 report, and Obama’s refusal to release the pages, which are known to contain evidence of Saudi funding and sponsorship of the 9/11 terror attack, which could blow open U.S. politics, and make it possible to elect a qualified candidate, in the mold of FDR or President Kennedy. Questions from the audience followed.
After Helga LaRouche, San Francisco Russian Consul Sergey Petrov offered, "For a big country like the U.S., it is useful to look at the world." To a question from Sen. Mike Gravel, on whether he shared Helga LaRouche’s assessment, he replied, "I share the understanding, that we are very close to a major conflict. And I add that there is no possibility of a ‘limited nuclear war.’ If that starts, it will be end of the world."
Mr. Petrov described the USSR’s dissolution into the Commonwealth of Independent States, with serious economic problems, and the steps in the long process of building the Eurasian Economic Union. The EAEU is now looking to conclude agreements with Mercosur, the SCO, and the EU on economic and humanitarian cooperation. The next step is to connect to North America. On that day, Mr. Petrov said, "I will feel I was a good diplomat."