Former British and French Prime Ministers Speak Out for China’s ‘Belt and Road’
June 15, 2016 (EIRNS)—As reported by Xinhua, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin on June 13 endorsed China’s "One Belt, One Road" initiative. Speaking during the Sino-European Entrepreneurs Summit (SEES) in London, Brown noted that Chinese leaders "talk about the benefits of convergence—convergence of interest and the community of interest of the rest of the world." This vision of a "world working together, integrated, interdependent, entangled" is a vision shared by European nations, he said.
"The convergence of interest and the community of interest that is your view of the future of the world, is absolutely and directly relevant to the development of the Silk Road."
Addressing the same event, Raffarin welcomed the Belt and Road initiative as a major international infrastructure investment, saying it is a
"gathering together of Asia and also an opening up.... There is a need to cooperate; no country can succeed on its own. Partnership allows opening up, which is why this conference is important for all of us."