How Long Has Paris, Brussels Bomber Worked for the British?
June 29, 2016 (EIRNS)—The London Sunday Times of June 26 published a stunning revelation—that the mastermind of the Paris and Brussels Islamic State terrorist assaults has been working for the British security services. The London Times report dated his work for the British MI5 or MI6 to after his capture in Brussels in April of this year, following the March 22, 2016, Brussels bombings. The 31-year-old man, Mohammed Abrini, was caught on closed circuit TV at the Brussels Airport, walking with the two suicide bombers just moments before they blew themselves up, killing 32 people. In November 2015, two days before the Paris massacre, Abrini was also captured on closed circuit TV driving into Paris with Salah Abdeslam, another ringleader of the Paris-Brussels terror cell. That attack resulted in 130 deaths.
The Sunday Times reported that Abrini has been cooperating with British authorities, providing key information about terror plots in Britain. But the Daily Express reported that Abrini traveled to England in July 2015 and met with a dozen Islamist radicals in London, Manchester, and Birmingham, raising a question of when he started working for the British authorities.