For War and Terrorism: Erinnyes Are Just Getting Started on Blair
July 8, 2016 (EIRNS)—The attack on those, led by Tony Blair, who used the 9/11 attacks for illegal and aggressive wars and set loose international terrorism, is escalating.
On a day when the new Philippines President called out Blair and the United States as the sources of terrorism, and U.S. Congressmen called for a mobilization to force out the evidence on the Saudis and British, Blair also faced a growing suit by British military families and the prospect of prosecution.
The London Telegraph reported it had been told by legal sources that the Chilcot Commission Report provided grounds for legal suits for damages, against Blair, by wounded veterans of Iraq and families of soldiers who died there. It said that 29 families of dead soldiers have so far asked the law firm McCue & Partners to pursue a claim against Blair "for every penny," and many others are expected to join. The firm expects to bring a civil case of "misfeasance in public office," showing Blair had "acted in excess of his powers and that in doing so harm has been caused, and that the harm could have been predicted." Misfeasance in office allows potentially unlimited damages.
The Telegraph observes that Sir John Chilcot’s investigation found
"Mr Blair should have seen the problems that resulted from the invasion in 2003, and came as he could to suggesting the military action was illegal."
It also notes that Blair "has made a fortune estimated at 60 million pounds.... Reg Keys, whose son Tom was one of six Royal Military Police killed at Majar al-Kabir in 2003, said: ‘Tony Blair has made a lot of money from public office which I believe he misused.’ "
"Roger Bacon, whose son Matt Bacon, a major in the Intelligence Corps, was killed in a roadside bomb in 2005, said: ’The misfeasance case allows us to sue him for unlimited damages. I would like those damages to be out into a fund for the rebuilding of Iraq. It would go some small way to make recompense for what happened there.’ "
Separately, the BBC published an expert legal analysis of the question, "Could Tony Blair face legal action over the Iraq War?" Its legal correspondent Clive Coleman reports that "war of aggression," the gravest war crime, would be the most apparent criminal charge against Blair. But, says Coleman, the 1998 Rome Treaty forming of the International Criminal Court took aggressive war prosecutions away from nations, but put off agreement for the ICC to do so until at least 2017!
More likely in Blair’s future, then, Coleman finds, is a prosecution for "misconduct in office," for which the Chilcot Commission report provides the grounds. The criminal charge is serious, and bears obvious resemblance to the "misfeasance in office" for which the families intend to sue "for every penny."
EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche believes Blair has been found so corrupt, and so discredited, by the Iraq War report that he can hardly escape prosecution. But, LaRouche observed, it may not happen quickly because of the sheer chaos now spread across the British financial and political establishment.