Chinese Reporting of South China Sea Issue Continues To Cover EIR
July 8, 2016 (EIRNS)—The Chinese government’s China Watch special supplement in the July 8 Washington Post, reporting senior diplomat Dai Bingguo’s speech on the South China Sea issue at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace July 5, quoted EIR’s Washington bureau chief Bill Jones that
"Dai gave an excellent speech and presentation of the Chinese position. I hope it is widely understood and widely read by people in the [U.S.] administration, although sometimes I doubt whether they will change their views."
Since the Carnegie invitation-only seminar and the following day’s press conference by China scholars and the Schiller Institute, Chinese coverage of these events—which China considers crucial—have noted EIR’s participation and remarks. Chinese-American collaborators and contacts of EIR and LaRouche PAC in the United States have enthusiastically reported seeing this coverage.
Jones told China Watch,
"I think it’s very important because [Dai] addressed on one hand the necessity of avoiding a conflict in the region over this issue; But he also criticized the position that China would have to accept what the U.S. has been calling the international law, but which many legal scholars and many countries don’t consider binding on China."