52 House Members Have Signed On To Co-Sponsor JASTA
July 15, 216 (EIRNS)—After the press conference by Representatives Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Tom Massie (R-Ky.), and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) on July 6, that including moving testimony from members of the 9/11 families, a dozen new co-sponsors signed on to the House version of Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), H.R. 3815, introduced in November, 2015, by Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.). A parallel bill already passed unanimously in the Senate and is vehemently opposed by Obama.
In a commentary in, author Larry Provost reports that "momentum for JASTA grows" in the House following the July 14 hearing (the first ever) held in the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice under Chairman Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.). He also reports that "it is rumored that previous objections of the Judiciary Committee regarding JASTA have been settled and its members and staffers are tired of carrying water for the State Dept on this issue," and that the 52 co-sponsors are nearly evenly divided, showing there is strong "bipartisan support" for the bill. Passage of the bill would help the 9/11 families who lost family members and survivers of the 9/11 attack to successfully sue Saudi Arabia, which has been shown to have provided support for the 911 jihadists. Member of the 9/11 families attended the JASTA hearing on July 14 and were "well-received," Provost reported.
The list of the JASTA House co-sponsors is posted at