Wall Street Coup Against Brazil’s Rightful President Moves into Impeachment Trial Stage
Aug. 10, 2016 (EIRNS)—In the early hours of Wednesday, after 16 hours of debate in which many Senators were busier watching the Olympics on their cellphones than listening, the Brazilian Senate voted 59 to 21 to proceed with the impeachment trial of President Dilma Rousseff, which is expected to be concluded by the end of August. The usurpers are already crowing victory, because although only a simple majority was required to open the trial, more than the two-thirds of the Senators required to remove her from office voted yesterday to open the trial.
In an April 4, 2016, memorandum, "How to Defeat the Attempted Bankers’ Coup d’État Against Brazil’s Rousseff Government," circulated in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, EIR identified the impeachment offensive as the opening of a "color revolution" against the "B" in the BRICS, modelled on the British Monarchy’s "Mani Pulite" (Clean Hands) operation against Italy.
"This is not a war that can be won inside Brazil. But it can be won," EIR warned;
"it can only be defeated by understanding the international strategic issues at stake, and defeating that policy internationally,"
and implementing LaRouche’s Four Laws.
That lesson has yet to be learned by all but a few Brazilian patriots. The spectacle of the Aug. 9 debate proved again that the insistence on resisting the coup by internal maneuvers and answering charges point-for-point, is a guarantee for defeat.
Dilma is charged with four counts of violating the balanced- budget Fiscal Responsibility Law; the three-man independent expert witness panel which reviewed the charges had submitted its conclusions a month ago that there was no proof that the President was responsible for three of the violations charged, and that the fourth "violation" did not affect the budget at all.
No matter. The lawyer presenting the case for impeachment yesterday, Miguel Reale Junior, urged the Senators to ratify the "wonderful" case for impeachment prepared by Senator Anastaia; he did not mention that, three days before, Anastaia himself had been named as taking bribes in the Lava Jato anti-corruption case—along with "acting" President Temer, Temer’s Foreign Minister, and his Chief of Staff. Reale argued that: President Rousseff really should have been charged under
"Lava Jato; she does not deserve to govern Brazil anymore; and she had to be responsible for the alleged budget law violations—the actual charges upon which she is being impeached—because she is a ‘dominating‘ personality whose government ‘spent, spent and spent’ in obscurity!"