TTIP Talks Sinking Fast
Aug. 30, 2016 (EIRNS)—French Trade Minister Matthias Fekl tweeted that his government has demanded that negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) cease. Fekl has said the U.S. has offered little in return for concessions made by Europe. In an interview with RMC Radio, Fekl said, "There is no more political support in France for these negotiations." Fekl complained that "the Americans give nothing, or just crumbs ... that is not how negotiations are done between allies."
Fekl’s statement follows similar comments from German Economy Minister and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), who said on Aug. 28, "The negotiations with the United States have de facto failed, even though nobody is really admitting it.... We mustn’t submit to the American proposals."
Gabriel also said that after 14 rounds of talks over a period of three years, the two sides have not agreed on a single common item out of the 27 chapters being discussed. Gabriel was seconded by Foreign Minister and fellow Social Democrat Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who said an agreement was still far off.