China Intention Succeeds at the G20
Sept. 5, 2016 (EIRNS)—The Chinese intention for the Sept. 4-5 G20 was spelled out in detail over the past months—to unite the world behind fundamental principles, acknowledging the mounting dysfunction of the existing global economic and financial structure and institutions, and create a new paradigm based on innovation, with a new financial architecture capable of directing credit into growth and development in every part of the world.
This intention has been achieved, despite wild lies and misrepresentations in the West, and especially by a humiliated and isolated Barack Obama.
The institutions representing nearly the entire world outside of Europe and the U.S., have united behind this vision, a vision both coherent with, and indeed nearly identical with that presented by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche over the past half century. Both the BRICS—representing directly and indirectly most of the nations of Asia, Africa and Ibero-America—and the G77, now representing 134 developing nations, released official statements fully endorsing and identifying themselves with this emerging revolution in world history.
Combined with the similarly historic Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Sept. 2-3, and the ASEAN Summit and East Asian Summit to be held in Laos over the next three days, these events characterize a new momentum in the history of mankind towards ending geopolitics—i.e., British imperial divisions of the world into warring nations, religions, races, and ethnicities —and creating a new system based on the common aims of mankind.
In his press conference at the conclusion of the G20 today, President Xi Jinping said: "We can no longer rely on fiscal and monetary policy alone" to deal with the crisis. "We envision an all-dimensional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging approach to innovation which is driven by innovation in science and technology, but goes beyond it to cover development philosophy, institutional mechanisms and business models, so that the benefits of innovation will be shared by all," Xi said.
The war-mongering Obama blathered about human rights, climate change, and the comatose TPP free trade agreement, even as the western world descends into permanent war, economic disintegration, and social degeneration. But the rest of the world was uplifted by the G20 vision of mankind’s creativity as a basis for creating a world of progress for all—including the U.S. and Europe, were they to end their failed imperial mindset.
Xi said that the G20 now sees itself as an instrument that can provide a "new path of economic development" for the world, based on a push for scientific and technological innovation.
The leaders of the BRICS nations, who will hold their annual Summit in India in October, met in preparation on the sidelines of the G20. Their communique stated: "Cognizant of global growth challenges..., the Leaders underlined the importance of establishment of a just and equitable international order based on international law. The Leaders congratulated and supported Chinese G20 Presidency for 2016 and expressed full confidence in the successful outcomes of the Hangzhou Summit. They appreciated the emphasis by the Chinese Presidency on the development agenda. They encouraged G20 members to strengthen macroeconomic cooperation, promote innovation, robust and sustainable trade and investment growth. They stressed the importance to foster an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy to usher in a new era of global growth and sustainable development. They expressed expectation that with the Hangzhou Summit, the G20 will embark on a new journey for a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic growth."
Similarly, the G77, headed this year by Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha, was invited to the G20, where he said that the proper agenda for the developing nations was precisely that put forth by Xi Jinping at the G20—innovation, development, and inclusiveness. He added that "Thailand is ready to serve as a bridge linking the Group of 20’s major industrialised economies and the developing economies in the Group of 77."
The agenda for the new paradigm is now in place. The dying British Empire and its satrapies will do everything in their dwindling power to crush it. Now, however, the citizens of the western nations have in sight the model and the structure with which to restore their nations’ historic roles in nation building, and to create at last a truly global Renaissance. That is our task.