Congress Must Remain in Session To Pass Glass-Steagall and JASTA
Sept. 17, 2016 (EIRNS)—Obama has until this Friday, Sept. 23, to veto JASTA, and the expectation is that he will veto it at the last minute, hoping that he can get the Houses of Congress out of session before they can override his veto. His hope is that it will be easier for him to get the votes he needs against JASTA when Congress reconvenes after the elections; maybe he hopes that a President-Elect Hillary Clinton will join him in refusing justice to the victims of 9/11.
In reporting these possibilities, Politico of 9/16 and the New York Times of 9/15 note that Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has been in Washington lobbying Senators, and they finger Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) as particularly likely to change their votes under pressure.
Lindsey Graham’s statements after meeting al-Jubeir are particularly corrupt and absurd; as former DIA official Patrick Lang has frequently written on his website, "‘Lawdy, Lawdy,’ said the Little Old Lady from South Carolina (LOLSC)."
To Politico, Graham said,
"It’s a delicate situation. Nobody wants to be seen as opposing justice for the 9/11 families, but at the end of the day we have a world to manage, and right now the world is not being well-managed."
Lyndon LaRouche responded,
"That’s a good position; that’s the fact of the matter. It’s not well-managed at all. The reply is, obviously the President of the United States is screwing the thing up. The President of the United States is acting as a stooge to prevent any action."
LOLSC Graham expanded on his orders from al-Jubeir to the New York Times. "They made it very clear to us that this is a hostile act. This is an odd situation. The 9/11 families are high on everyone’s list to be taken care of. But it comes at a time when Saudi Arabia believes America is not a reliable ally."
LaRouche said:
"We’ve expected Obama to intervene in this process. It’s inevitable. He’s a faker; he always lies; he lies in the courts, and he’s killing people. We’ve had a mass assassination of people in the Manhattan area, and therefore we cannot allow any overlooking of the law in the case of President Obama. Otherwise, people of the United States must be mobilized against this President. We want to get quick justice on this thing, and force the issue; don’t let them bounce around it. The President is prohibited from trying to suspend the proceedings."
Congress must stay in session until it passes Glass-Steagall. If the Congress adjourns and only comes back in November, that leaves the entire month of September and October for the system to crash; Deutsche Bank is on the edge now, and our reports are that Deutsche Bank will be right in the middle of the agenda of the IMF annual meeting,—if Deutsche Bank and this system last that long.
"People by now know that the President is a foul ball who should not be trusted at all; they’ve seen enough of him. This President is not worth much of anything when it comes to honesty; he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with the kind of thievery he’s been doing. A lot of lives depend on that. We should bring this to a head stubbornly, because the issue is overripe for closure,"
LaRouche concluded.