China Brought ’G20/Win-Win’ World Development Perspective to the UN Institutions This Week; Hosted a Forum, and Released New Report
Sept. 22, 2016 (EIRNS)—On Sept. 19, the eve of the opening of the UN General Assembly’s General Debate (presentations by national leaders), China hosted an exceptional event at United Nations headquarters, where China’s win-win development perspective was put forward to leaders of 16 international organizations. Prime Minister Li Keqiang moderated the roundtable, titled, "The Sustainable Development Goals: A Universal Push to Transform Our World—China’s Perspective." The occasion marked a new point forward in the advancement for the paradigm of policies of mutual benefit through economic growth, as China promoted at the G20 in Hangzhou earlier this month.
The participants at the event included UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, and the heads of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, and many others. Soon afterward, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark signed the first-ever UN agency Memorandum of Understanding with China’s One Belt One Road project.
Li announced to the gathering that China had released on Monday, its national plan for carrying out the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," which last year’s 70th session of the UN General Assembly had adopted as a goal. China is the first nation to issue such a plan, and it lays out commitments for both domestic and international activity for economic growth to succeed worldwide. The Executive Summary of the new plan is explicit about China’s role:
"With China’s efforts, G20 has placed the issue of development in a prominent position in its global macro policy framework for the first time, to optimize development policy coordination. It is the first time that G20 members have jointly drafted a collective action plan on the 2030 Agenda to inject political impetus into the global implementation progress on the 2030 Agenda. And it is also the first time that G20 has discussed the issues of Supporting Industrialization in Africa and Least Developed Countries to actively respond to demands of development countries, especially African countries..."
China’s masterful use of the G20 framework, to further the stated UN goals for ending mass poverty by 2030—which the 2015 UN General Assembly adopted as its "Sustainable Development 2030 Agenda"—was readily acknowledged by many of the UN agency leaders at the roundtable. After all, China’s success record on UN goals is clear. Li spoke of how, over the 15 year period of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, "China has lifted over 400 million people out of poverty, reducing the mortality of children under five years old by two thirds, and that of pregnant women by three fourths," Xinhua reported.
It is happily apparent that China has judoed the once odious "sustainable" term, which has been promoted for decades in the green genocide movement—especially since the 1992 UN "Conference on Environment and Development" in Rio de Janeiro—to mean undercutting physical development, and deterring population growth, i.e., creating conditions for people to die.
Instead, China is using "sustainable" in its new plan and G20 role this year, to signify advancement of science, economic, social and cultural activity—the necessary conditions for "sustainability" of a growing population and universe.