Telegraph Reminds that JASTA Threatens ‘Londonistan’ Terrorism
Sept. 26, 2016 (EIRNS)—In a signal editorial today, the London Telegraph reminded the war party in the United Kingdom and United States that London, as well as Saudi Arabia, has terrorists at risk from the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). The Telegraph strongly defends President Barack Obama’s treasonous defense of his partners in war and terrorism against the U.S. Congress’s JASTA.
"Barack Obama was right to veto the 9/11 Act and protect U.S. allies like Britain" is the editorial headline. It states that
"The main aim of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) was to enable relatives of those killed or injured in the 9/11 attacks to take legal action against Saudi Arabia, whose citizens were involved in planning the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history."
Artfully put, since those "citizens" have been shown to include Prince Bandar, then Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
But, the Telegraph editors continue, "Mr. Obama felt compelled to veto the legislation because of the potential harm it could inflict on key allies, such as Britain"; and here, the editorial links to a June 5, 2016 article, "Why a U.S. law to let 9/11 families sue Saudi Arabia is a threat to Britain and its intelligence agencies," by Conservative Member of Parliament Tom Tugendhat.
The reason is clear: sponsoring terrorism, and the broadscale recruitment of terrorists which has gone on in what many other countries have called "Londonistan," with no interference from British authorities.
"Britain’s intelligence and security agencies, MI6 and MI5, are also concerned about the implications of the proposed legislation, as it could make them vulnerable to hostile lawsuits by American lawyers attempting to prove that British-based jihadists have been involved in terror plots against U.S. targets."
The policy of waging "regime change" war and supporting the spread of terrorism against nations, is a British imperial policy, followed by both George W. Bush and Obama. The Chilcot Commission, exposing Tony Blair’s Iraq War, and the House of Commons report which drove David Cameron out of politics due to his Libya war, prove that.
The Telegraph’s editorial reminds Americans of the real stakes in seizing the chance to override Obama’s veto of JASTA, and end his treason.