Kansas Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors Issues Support for Glass-Steagall; Will Take It to Annual State Convention
Oct. 10, 2016 (EIRNS)—The Board of Directors of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association, in a press release today on the upcoming KCA annual state convention at the end of October, issued its support for reinstating the Glass-Steagall banking separation law that was repealed in 1999. The KCA Board reported that its 18th annual convention will be Oct. 28 and 29, and in giving the agenda of presentations, reported that, "KCA supports the passage of the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act (S. 1709, H. Res. 3054)."
Today’s release further states that there will be discussion of Glass-Steagall at the convention. "Mr. Bob Baker [of Executive Intelligence Review News Service] will provide an overview of the [Glass-Steagall] bills, an economic update, and will be on hand throughout the convention to discuss Glass-Steagall and other economic conditions facing the world economic outlook."
In the monthly KCA newsletter, Baker has been presenting need-to-know developments and policy priorities, in a guest column series titled, "Hey, America, Beef Up!" The series has focussed on Glass-Steagall/BRICS/American System economic dynamics. The latest installment reported in detail on the new paradigm shown by the Chinese initiative—One Belt One Road— and presented at the G20: the principle of a "win-win" policy approach for worldwide development.
Kansas is the third-ranking state for beef production in the United States, which—along with dairy and other agriculture activity, is operating below cost-of-production and in crisis. In his monthly, "Message from the President," KCA head John Ney stressed the fact that "Prices for cattle are below the cost of production." He rhetorically asked, "Can you hear me now?" After listing the impossibly low prices cattlemen are getting for their livestock: [Per hundred pounds] Calves $165; Feeder cattle $133; Fat [Finished] Cattle $110; Cull Cows $75; Ney ended his message to KCA members by quoting President Eisenhower, "Agriculture is easy when your pencil is your plow, and your corn field is 1,000 miles away."