President Putin: The Obama Administration Rejects Dialogue, Delivers ‘Dictates’ Instead
Oct. 12, 2016 (EIRNS)—Speaking today in Moscow at the VTB Forum "Russia Calling!" President Vladimir Putin addressed the issue of deteriorating U.S.-Russian relations, as well as the anti-Russia hysteria pervading the U.S. election campaign, in response to a question from a former U.S. Congressman in the audience, Greg Walsh.
"You know, it is very difficult to hold dialogue with the current Administration," Putin responded.
"There is almost no dialogue.... The Administration formulates what it wants and then insists on the implementation of its instructions. But this is a dictate, not a dialogue. And this applies to almost every issue. We are ready for dialogue, but dialogue is a search for compromise."
As for how to improve the situation, Putin said that the parties should act as partners, "and take into account each other’s interests. We are ready for this." It was never Russia’s choice to have poor relations with the United States, he said.
In terms of the anti-Russia hysteria in the U.S. election campaign, and charges of Russian cyber-spying and hacking, Putin pointedly noted the irony that just a few years back, Russia was considered to be unimportant, a "regional power," as Barack Obama called it. Yet now, he said,
"the number one issue in the whole [U.S] election campaign is Russia!... All participants in that process are abusing anti-Russian rhetoric and damaging our [bilateral] relations."
He underscored that this is very bad for the entire international community. "Let us not forget," he admonished,
"that globally, we bear a special responsibility as the two largest nuclear powers, for maintaining international peace and security."
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had some choice words for the U.S. election process in comments to CNN:
"There are so many pussies around your presidential campaign on both sides, that I prefer not to comment.... Now everybody in the U.S. is saying that Russia is running the presidential debate ... but we haven’t seen a single fact, a single proof."
Putin admonished that it is wrong to use Russia as a "bargaining chip" in U.S. "internal political struggles. This is just not serious enough, to say the least." Some hackers leaked information that Hillary Clinton’s headquarters were acting improperly during the election campaign, "and the hysteria began that this is in Russia’s interests. There is nothing here regarding Russia’s interests," he asserted. The hysteria has only one purpose, he continued, "to distract the American people" from the content the hackers have made public, and "the importance is that public opinion is being manipulated." He stated that Russia will work with whichever of the candidates is elected, "if the U.S. leader wishes to work with our country."