Schiller Institute Seminar in Essen: Germany’s Opportunities with the New Silk Road
Oct. 21, 2016 (EIRNS)—A one-day seminar, held with an audience of about 120 at the House of Technology in Essen today, was opened with musical performances on classic Chinese instruments by three Chinese ladies, followed by the keynote address given by Schiller Institute president Helga Zepp-LaRouche. She stressed that the New Silk Road is much more than just business and transport; it is actually an initiative to define a higher level of reason for mankind’s conduct—that being an absolute necessity at a time, 71 years after the end of the Second World War, which is threatened with a new world war, a thermonuclear one, planned by a doomed trans-Atlantic financial system. The alternative is the system of physical economy which China is proposing with its Silk Road initiative, is the alternate method of banking which is not running after financial profit but instead promoting the creativity of man and the increase in productivity for the common good. There is a common mission for mankind to develop, to develop Africa in particular, but also to move into space, which China is pioneering with its most recent space missions, including those to the far side of the Moon.
Her keynote was followed by addresses given by Zhang Junhui, chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Germany; by Prof. Shi Ze, director of the center for international energy studies at the China Institute for International Studies (CIIS); Prof. Reinhart Propawe, director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology in Aachen, also that institute’s delegate for China; Prof. Dieter Ameling, holding former top positions at leading steel producers in Germany such as Thyssen, Krupp, Saarstahl and also former president of the German Association of Steel Producers.
The afternoon session after the lunch break, opened again by the Chinese musical artists, featured a second keynote by Jacques Cheminade, French presidential candidate for the 2017 election; addresses by Mehreteab Mulugeta Haile, Consul General of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Frankfurt; Prof. Reinhold Meisinger, visiting scientist for the past 40 years at the Research Institute for Railway and Urban Transit of Tongji University in Shanghai, parallel to his work at the Nuremberg Technical University’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Willi Pusch, president of the Citizens Initiative in the Central Rhine Valley, which is campaigning for the construction of a 110- kilometer tunnel for a modern rail freight line, which is the centerpiece of the Rotterdam-Genoa rail corridor. Lyndon LaRouche was also attending during the entire seminar.
In spite of the dense schedule of speakers, ample time was reserved for a lively and constructive open discussion between the panelists and audience, the discussion process culminating in the formulation of a proposal for a grand cooperation among Germany, France, Italy, and Ethiopia for the development of Africa—cooperation open to other nations as well.