Obama’s ‘Victory’ in Afghanistan: Opium Production Up 43%
Oct. 23, 2016 (EIRNS)—The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) released a report today titled “Afghan Opium Production Up 43%" for 2016 over 2015. It reports that the area used to farm poppy increased by 10% to 201,000 hectares over that time, with production hitting 4,800 metric tons. The data came from the Afghanistan Opium Survey figures released today by the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics and the UNODC.
Not only has the area under poppy cultivation increased, but that “the most important driver is the higher opium yield per hectare,” the report says. “The largest yield increase occurred in the Western region where the average yield grew by 37% and the Southern region, with a 36% rise.” These two regions account for 84% of the total.
Eradication has decreased by a massive 91%, as the regional governments have lost control of huge areas to the insurgents and terrorists. Last year, there were eradication projects in 12 provinces while this year in only seven.
Helmand, with some 80,273 hectares (40% of the national total), remained the country’s major opium poppy cultivating province, the report says.
Thus one must conclude that Obama has been totally successful in his “good war,” both in killing people and in waging his “opium war” against the world, including the United States, which is now suffering the greatest opium crisis in its history, touching even the smallest rural communities in the nation and the richest urban suburbs, as well as the devastation to the rotting inner cities, while Obama legalizes drugs and the drug networks.