Draghi Calls for ‘Constitutional Reforms’ To Allow Bankers’ Fascism
Oct. 25, 2016 (EIRNS)—European Central Bank President Mario Draghi provided evidence for what many in Italy think: that Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s constitutional reform, to be voted on in a national referendum on Dec. 4, was dictated by the financial markets, as reflected in the famous JP Morgan blueprint to eliminate anti-fascist constitutions. In a speech at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin today, Draghi defended his quantitative easing policy, but stressed that it won’t be effective unless governments implement the necessary structural reform. During the question-and-answer period, Draghi explained that on top of such reforms is "constitutional reform." His formulation was: "Do you believe that low interest rates have an influence on constitutional reforms, judiciary reforms?" etc.
Prof. Paolo Savona, former head of Italy’s Interbanking Deposit Guarantee Fund, recently penned an article pointing out that the key aspect of Renzi’s reform, besides the Mussolini-like electoral reform, is the introduction into the Constitution of passages that refer explicitly to the primacy of European Union law over Italian national law. The current Constitution does allow for alienating portions of sovereignty through international treaties, but it maintains the ultimate sovereignty in the national Parliament. If Renzi wins the referendum and his reform passes, it will be a dangerous and total surrender of sovereignty, Savona wrote.