Russia and China Are Working Out a Deterrence, Says Luzyanin
Nov. 3, 2016 (EIRNS)—Russia and China have become factors of the world’s strategic stability, Director of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Russia’s Academy of Sciences Sergey Luzyanin said at a news conference on Nov. 2 in Moscow. He was elaborating on the upcoming Nov. 7 21st Regular Meeting between Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers to be attended by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in St. Petersburg.
Formally, the St. Petersburg conference is designed for the signing of agreements between the two countries to expand achievements in strategic areas such as energy, high-speed railways and civil aviation development.
Answering a TASS question, Luzyanin said:
"The theme is not being discussed much nowadays. However, Russia and China are factors of the world’s strategic stability today. No one says openly that Moscow and Beijing are carrying out deterrence. Nonetheless, everybody realizes it and realizes that the deterrence is carried out in the name of stability, development, and peace."
The expert said that at the talks with Russia’s leaders, Li Keqiang
"will raise the issues of the world’s stability along with development and strengthening of Russian-Chinese cooperation in defense technologies."
In addition, Luzyanin said:
"The Russian and Chinese prime ministers are expected to tackle cooperation in defense technologies at their detailed negotiations. Taking into regard the serious international situation and the West’s colossal pressure over the Ukraine and Syria crises, cooperation in defense technologies will be on the table at the talks,"
Luzyanin said, according to TASS.