Korean Source: The THAAD Is Probably Dead
Nov. 10, 2016 (EIRNS)—A Korean who served in the previous government of Lee Myung-Bak told EIR that Obama’s plan to deploy U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missiles in South Korea is probably dead, for two reasons.
First, the current raging crisis in Seoul, which will result in either Park Geun-hye’s resignation or accepting greatly reduced power, as a new Prime Minister accepted by the opposition is given most powers over government. Although the THAAD deployment is not an issue in the leadership crisis, the opposition has long opposed the THAAD deployment and is now in a position of significant influence.
Secondly, Trump pledged during his campaign that he would demand that South Korea (and Japan) pay more for the U.S. military presence, or it will be greatly reduced, or even pulled out. The current plan for THAAD, as agreed to by President Park, has the United States paying the tab—and Trump, at a minimum, is expeced to demand that South Korea pay for it, which it will not (and probably could not in their current economic crisis condition).
The source also said that the recent meeting between North Korea representatives and a team of Americans who had been involved in the 1990s "Agreed Framework" with the North under Bill CLinton (which was working until Cheney came in and scuttled it), saw a very open and relaxed attitude from the North, which he believes is a signal that Pyongyang is open to a new dialogue.
The source believes that even if Park does not resign, her Saenuri Party (which already has an anti-Park faction) will likely split or disintegrate. Elections are scheduled for December 2017, but if Park resigns there would likely be new elections within 60 days.