Russia Is Offering Nuclear Reprocessing Deal to Germany; Russian-German Raw Materials Forum Held in Düsseldorf
Nov. 25, 2016 (EIRNS)—At the Russian-German Raw Materials Forum in Düsseldorf yesterday, Valery Jazev, president of the mining industry entrepreneurs, presented the Tomsk special research program for a fast breeder reactor to reprocess used nuclear fuels. The objective is to develop a reactor for commercial use that can breed from all used nuclear fuels and radioactive materials.
The Tomsk project involves, as Jazev explained, work on the development of radiation materials for instance for medical purposes, as well as for the marking of materials for industrial use. Jazev said that Russia is ahead of all other nations in this sector, with a research advantage of 10-15 years, and that in a few years from now, Russia will be in possession of a profitable technology for exports globally. Russia could also offer this technology to reprocess used nuclear materials from Germany, which will need such technology after the exit from nuclear technology in 2022. This is meant an important Russian contribution to the energy partnership with Germany.
Prominent Germans at the same event, Klaus Töpfer and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel for instance, however chose not to take up the offer but instead blathered about "other views that naturally have to be noted," otherwise insisting on the German government’s insane pro-renewables strategy. This includes Gabriel’s views on the direction of the "modernization partnership" with Russia, namely the reduction of CO2 emissions. Ominous that Gabriel presented this as an area of cooperation outside of the sanctions.