South African President Zuma Defeats Regime-Change ‘Coup’ Attempt against the BRICS, Run within His Party
Nov. 29, 2016 (EIRNS)—South African President Zuma defeated an Obama regime-change "coup" attempt activated when one of his cabinet ministers proposed that he resign as President of South Africa, at a three-day meeting of the ruling African National Congress’s National Executive Committee (NEC). The attempt against Zuma is aimed to tear South Africa out of the BRICS and turn it into a chaotic wasteland in the name of "clean government."
Zuma said he would not resign, because that would mean handing himself over to "the enemy."
"The President told us these attempts come from far and that if he was the problem, he would consider stepping down. But [the scandals around] Nkandla, corruption charges, and the spy tapes were created by the enemy,"
said a source in the meeting, according to News24.
Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom made the proposal that Zuma resign, and was supported by Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi, Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor, and ANC chief whip Jackson Mthembu. Zuma’s supporters were on "fire defending him," according to the News24 source. Notable among cabinet members defending him were two associated with the BRICS cause, Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane and Water Affairs Minister Nomvula Mokonyane.
The regime-changers asked that the 80-member NEC vote on the question (democracy, don’t you know?). Since the NEC has never voted and has always reached decisions by discussion, the proposal was defeated. The meeting, planned for Saturday and Sunday, continued until about 1 a.m. today, Tuesday, local time, because of the prolonged conflict.
ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe announced, at a press conference later in the day, "The fact that we have not asked the president to step aside means we affirm him as president of the republic."
According to the hostile Times Live on Sunday, Nov. 27, President Zuma "recently upped his personal close-protection team of bodyguards to 88. At any one time he has 22 goons at hand." On Monday, it returned to this new security-stripping theme under the headline, "‘Paranoid’ No. 1 Sees Enemies Everywhere." One can now expect to see this issue of Zuma’s supposed "excessive security expenditures" raised in Parliament.
The President’s best protection is the national tour he has already begun, to rally the ruling party around the ideas of the BRICS.