Civilians Streaming out of Jihadi-held Aleppo
Dec. 9, 2016 (EIRNS)—Thousands of people are now streaming out of the remaining jihadi-held pocket in Aleppo.
"A total of 10,724 people, including 4,015 children, have left Aleppo’s militants-controlled areas over the past day with assistance from Russia’s reconciliation center,"
reported the Russian reconciliation center this morning.
"Thirty militants have laid down arms and left for the city’s western part to the Syrian troops. In line with an earlier decision by Syria’s president, they have all been pardoned."
This follows the announcement yesterday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, that the Syrian army had suspended combat operations in Allepo in order to facilitate the movement of a large column of civilians out of the jihadi-held part of the city.