Schellnhuber Presents ‘Decarbonization’ for Germany’s G20 Agenda; Merkel Government Make Fools of Themselves
Dec. 13, 2016 (EIRNS)—The rabid genocidalist John Schellnhuber has been placed in a position to plan the German policies at the G-20 meeting scheduled for Hamburg in July. Barbara Hendricks, German Environment Minister, and Johanna Wanka, Science and Technology Minister, teamed up with Schellnhuber and Dirk Messner of the WBGU (scientific advisory council for global environmental change) at a press conference in Berlin on Dec. 13. Building on the "successes" of the Paris climate-change conference agreement of 2015 and the UN’s 2030 agenda for "sustainable development goals" (read: zero growth), the German government, which has assumed the 2017 presidency of the G20, think they can now "decarbonize" the G20 country economies by 2050, under the guise of saving the planet from overheating from carbon emissions created by man’s burning fossil fuels (read: zero population growth).
This "great transformation" has to be initiated immediately, the trio said, because the "carbon dioxide budget" of Earth’s atmosphere will be used up in less than 20 years. There is "no doubt," Schellnhuber said, that man was tweaking the climate. Therefore the production of automobiles that use fossil fuel engines has to be stopped by 2030, and human meat consumption has to be limited to one day per week!
In order to force this monstrosity, Germany’s public funds would have to be heavily invested. The problem is, the panel agreed, that many people had "lost their love for globalization." Therefore, we would have to make a new offer to the people, or in the words of Messner, "create a new, more modern narrative": it would have to be advertised as a jobs engine, a project of modernization, stability, justice and peace.
"You cannot negotiate with the laws of nature," said Schellnhuber. "If we do not transform voluntarily, we will be transformed."
The ministerial representatives uttered not even a little resistance. The execution of the decarbonization will be a high priority on their policy agendas. Hendricks said we would exit coal, oil, and fossil gas. Schellnhuber wants to make saving humanity in the name of the climate a mandatory law. This brave new world scheme has to be fully swallowed and embraced by the G20. Messner said he has already had talks with the G20 sherpas recently. A new WBGU "special report" called "Development and Justice by Transformation" were handed out to journalists, who had not a single critical question to raise.
Schellnhuber, who was personally made a Commander of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2004, played a major role in attempting to get developing countries to forgo development—and cut their populations—to "stop global warming " at the UN Copenhagen climate conference in December 2009; and after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, convinced Angela Merkel to shut down Germany’s nuclear power, as part of his "decarbonization" mania.