Glass-Steagall Resolution Introduced into Virginia State House
Jan. 10, 2017 (EIRNS)—Today, House Joint Resolution No. 642 was introduced into the Virginia House Of Delegates. It calls for the
"Memorializing of the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to reinstate the separation of commercial and investment banking functions that was in effect under the Glass-Steagall Act."
The bill’s seven "Whereas" clauses include references to the successful history of Glass-Steagall, the damage from its repeal, and the fact that millions of citizens’ lives are being destroyed for lack of a sound banking system.
On the same day the bill was introduced, the Washington Post has a front-page article on the resolution’s sponsor, Del. Sam Rasoul (D-Roanoke) completely avoiding any coverage of his backing for the Glass-Steagall policy, and instead covering his activism, which, in fact, is coherent with his initiative today. The headline of the article is, "An Iconoclast Prods Va. Democrats."
It reports,
"The state’s only Muslim delegate urges his party to woo Trump voters.... He made headlines after the election by scolding his own Democratic Party for losing touch with white, rural and working-class voters. Saying it was wrong for Democrats to demonize Trump supporters, Rasoul quit his leadership role within the Assembly’s House Democrats to draw attention to the issue."
Rasoul says,
"’This is the problem with liberals.... We have all the facts. We have all the figures. We know all the right answers. It doesn’t matter. You have to know how to build trust with people.’"
At least one Democrat has gotten the message. The people of the country are in bad shape, and Rasoul has moved to defend them.