China, Russia Warn Seoul and Washington on THAAD Deployment
Jan. 13, 2017 (EIRNS)—Following a meeting yesterday of the Sixth Russian-Chinese consultation on the security of Southeast Asia, Russia and China warned they intend to take "countermeasures" in response to the proposed deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Defense system (THAAD) in South Korea.
Those countermeasures are designed to protect China’s and Russia’s interests and the strategic balance in the region, which they consider threatened by the THAAD deployment. Both nations, through their Foreign Ministries, urged the U.S. and South Korea to address these security concerns and halt the planned deployment. According to TASS, Russia’s Foreign Ministry warned that by pursuing the THAAD deployment, Washington and Seoul will "heighten tensions and boost the arms race in the region as well as expand military drills" and "damage regional stability and security." Given the "high conflict potential" and the "complex and sensitive" situation on the Peninsula, the Ministry underscored, it is essential to seek "joint efforts aimed at finding a meaningful strategy that would show the way out of the current deadlock and help settle the nuclear issue and other problems facing the Korean Peninsula."
Xinhua emphasized that the two nations insisted on the goal of "denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, to safeguard peace and stability."