Theresa May Visit to White House Was Classic British Geopolitical Intervention
Jan. 27, 2017 (EIRNS)—From the moment she opened her mouth at the Republican Party’s Jan. 26 retreat, British Prime Minister Theresa May made clear that her trip to Washington was intended to ensure that President Donald Trump doesn’t stray from the British geopolitical fold. With great fanfare, she announced in today’s joint press conference at the White House, that Her Majesty the Queen had invited Trump for a state visit later this year, and that he had accepted.
May harped on the "special relationship" ad nauseam, repeatedly mentioning Ronald Reagan’s and Margaret Thatcher’s collaboration, gushing that
"we’ve done everything together...we made the modern world," and now, "we have the opportunity—indeed the responsibility—to renew the Special Relationship for this new age—the opportunity to lead, together, again."
Lead where? Into "100%" support for NATO, for example. May stated in today’s press conference that this was Trump’s view, although he barely mentioned this. As she last night, "America’s leadership role in NATO—supported by Britain—must be the central element around which the Alliance is built."
May pointedly warned the Republicans that the policy on Russia should be to "engage but beware"—engage Russia from a position of strength, and assure the nations of Eastern Europe "that their security is not in question." In today’s press conference, when asked about the possible lifting of sanctions against Russia, Trump responded that while it’s too early to talk about this,
"I hope we have a fantastic relationship with Russia. If we go after ISIS together, I will consider that a good thing...If we can have a great relationship with Russia and China, I’m all for that. It would be a tremendous asset."
May quickly interjected that her government insists that sanctions remain in place until Russia fully complies with the Minsk process. Disagreement on some issues is natural, she added coyly, but does nothing to diminish the close relationship.
In discussing the fight against Daesh and Islamic extremism, May told the GOP retreat that "we must work internationally," but this apparently doesn’t mean rejecting regime-change. She underscored that such cooperation means not only securing "a political solution in Syria, but challenging the alliance between the Syrian regime and its backers in Tehran."
May expressed concern that countries with "little tradition of democracy, liberty and human rights—notably China and Russia—have grown more assertive in world affairs," raising the fear that there may be an eclipse of the West, given the financial crisis "and its fallout," loss of confidence in the West following 9/11, and "difficult" military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan." The "responsibility to lead" doesn’t mean returning to the "failed policies of the past," she said. But, we can’t stand idly by "when the threat is real." We must always stand up for our friends."