Kucinich, Cohen Point to Intelligence Interference Against Trump But Miss the Global Paradigm Shift
Feb. 15, 2017 (EIRNS)—New York University Professor Stephen Cohen and former Congressman Dennis Kucinich both took to the airways to attack the fraud and lies of the attack on President Donald Trump’s relations with Russia.
In on-air interviews, both identified the prospect of better U.S. relations with Russia as the real target of the Michael Flynn affair and the more generalized attack on Trump, but neither understands the Eurasian-centered paradigm-shift driven by the Chinese Silk Road policy and the underlying ideas of statesman Lyndon LaRouche that made it possible.
During a Feb. 14 interview with Fox News yesterday, Kucinich blamed the intelligence community, or elements within it, for the leaking of the contents of the phone call between Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the United States, charging that this was part of an effort to "upend" any positive relationship with Russia.
"Trump has to get a hold of his own intelligence apparatus," Kucinich said.
"If he doesn’t get control of where the information is coming from, he’ll never know the truth, American people won’t know the truth, and we could be set at war with almost any country."
While Kucinich was at least being agitational, warning viewers not just to be bystanders, Cohen was depressed. He said at the outset that he was not happy and that he felt "drawn into the muck" by the allegations that somehow, Trump was an agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin, allegations that are "completely out of control." Cohen, as Kucinich did, identified U.S.-Russian relations as the target and said that those doing the targeting come from across the entire range of the political spectrum, from the Democrats who are trying to explain away their loss, to the hawks like Sen. John McCain, Sen. Chris Murphy, and Sen. Lindsey Graham who are against any kind of detente with Russia. Elements of the U.S. intelligence community are essentially acting on a political agenda, and this is "exceedingly dangerous" for U.S. national security and American democracy, Cohen said.