Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Identifies Maidan Snipers
Feb. 23, 2017 (EIRNS)—Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, who served from March 2010 until he resigned on Jan. 28, 2014, at the height of the violent Maidan protests, unleashed a bombshell on his facebook page on Feb. 21, a bombshell that was reported by Sputnik the following day.
"Today we, and investigators in Kiev as well, have reliable information about the fact that the murders on the Maidan were carried out by special groups of snipers from Georgia, the Baltic countries, and Poland, under the guidance of instructors from France and Germany,"
Azarov write. These groups, Azarov said, "were provided with cover and diversionary actions by shooters from the ’Maidan Self-Defense’ group under the direction of [Andriy] Parubiy and [Serhiy] Pashinsky," the former now serving as speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, and the latter an MP and former interim head of the presidential administration. In total, more than 130 people, including 18 police officers, were killed.
Azarov explained, reports Sputnik, that
"the Georgian group, consisting of 10 people, was placed in the Conservatory building [which overlooks Maidan Square]. The identities of three of them have been confirmed by photographs taken by Ukrainian Security Forces staff, and it has been established that they are Georgian nationals. On February 20, [2014] this group divided into two. One of them fired from the Conservatory Building, the other from the Hotel Ukraine Building."
Azarov reports that the presence of a third group of shooters is assumed. This group reportedly killed 50 people in the space of 30 minutes from a third building overlooking the square and were immediately moved out of the area.
Azarov notes that the coup plotters, Parubiy, Pashinskiy, Secretary of the National Defense Council Oleksander Turchynov, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, and former prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, all of whom were appointed to their positions after the coup,
"have done everything they could to destroy evidence and people’s testimony. An attempt was made to place the blame for the massacre squarely on Yanukovych and the Berkut riot police."
Avakov’s facebook posting includes numerous photographs and video documenting the violence on the Maidan in February 2014. The evidence exists, he says, that helps
"establish with absolute objectivity" the involvement of Turchynov, Parubiy, Pashinsky, et al. in the organization of the mass carnage which took place three years ago. One image shows Parubiy in the background as what appears to be a team of snipers is led out of a building. There’s also a video that shows Pashinsky loading a sniper rifle into the trunk of his car. Last December, Sputnik reports, Pashinsky tried to claim that he had the sniper rifle for "self defense."