French Presidential System Imploding; Cheminade Offers the Alternative
PARIS, March 1, 2017 (Nouvelle Solidarité)—This morning and until noon, a major drama was occupying the national media. François Fillon cancelled a much-publicized tour he was to make to the Agriculture Fair this morning, without any explanation. At a press conference at noon, he made a dramatic intervention, reporting that this morning the judges had informed him of their decision to put him under "examination" on March 15th, two days before the Constitutional Council announces the formal list of candidates for the election. In a short but straightforward statement, he accused the judges and the media of having led a campaign against him since the beginning, in violation of the rights of defense, equating this to a "political assassination." Concerning Marine Le Pen, the European Parliament authorities announced yesterday that they will proceed to a vote, as early perhaps as Thursday, for lifting her parliamentary immunity. Le Pen is a Member of the European Parliament. A positive vote would pave the way for her to be indicted for having used European Parliament funds for assistants to hire her friends from the Front National.
Two other main candidates, Emmanuel Macron, number two, and Benoit Hamon, the so-called very-left-wing Socialist Party candidate, are also under media accusations: Macron for having used money from his ministry to run the early part of his campaign; Hamon, because of his wife's job and connections to LVMH, the top French luxury goods company. While the corruption is a real and nasty reality, the judges are clearly being used by the rotten Atlanticist elites, to create Nacht und Nebel chaos in France and kill what's left of de Gaulle's Fifth Republic.
In the meantime, Jacques Cheminade's campaign is proceeding in an interesting way, with some media giving him the possibility to develop his ideas accurately. Following the very good article published by RTL, which we previously reported, he got a very good 20 minutes on the all-news private channel of TF1 (national channel one), LCI. Cheminade was able to develop his main ideas of leaving the EU and reforming a Europe of the Fatherlands with seven or eight states. Complaining that journalists are not bringing foreign policy issues—which consume 50% of a President's time—to the fore in their coverage, Cheminade used the occasion to raise the alternative of China and its Silk Road policy. Jacques also explained what he meant by saying that France is occupied by financial powers, and even had the opportunity to read a quote from a book by a top former French law enforcement officer, which accuses our financial system of having become criminal.
Cheminade then had a very good visit to the Agriculture Fair, a yearly event where farmers from throughout France come to Paris to exhibit their best goods for the public. This is a highly publicized event, very much visited by the professional world, but also very popular among the population at large. As pre-arranged with the fair's organizers, Jacques was received and taken around "officially," to the main stands, to field questions, give interviews, or just speak with the farmers about their problems and our solutions. Jacques was accompanied in this tour, by some ten media, and two sociologists doing a study on all the candidates' campaigns.
BFM media, which was part of the press pool, conducted a very good interview with him. He also granted interviews to tvagri, the European School of Journalism, the RTL agriculture specialist, and Public Senat, the Senate TV/radio station.
Among the high points of the visit were his meetings with the main agriculture unions; an exhibit by shepherds from the Aveyron, one of whom expressed his liking for Cheminade, putting a couple sheep on his lap and saying he would be ready to vote for him. Even the sociologists had a good reaction, saying that, of all the candidates they had followed, only Cheminade was really engaging in dialogue with the producers, that the others come with a pre-set statements that they deliver at each stand. (See Cheminade's twitter account for great pictures!)
Jacques also gave a long interview to Tropique FM, which broadcasts to all the French territories abroad, and a five-minute interview to Eric Brunet from RMC, another national private radio with a large audience. Jacques responded to questions on what are the political currents he expects to draw to his campaign—resistance Gaullists, social Christians in the tradition of the Democrat abbeys of Brittany, Jaurés-inspired Socialists and the resistance communists—, and on other essentials of his program, etc. At one point, he was asked who he thought was the best leader for the world today, a trap question. Jacques responded that for him there were none, Putin is good for Russia, he said, but in the rest of the world, I see none.