New York Times Promotes Obama’s Leading Role in Preparing Color Revolution Against U.S. Government
March 3, 2017 (EIRNS)—As the role of Obama's personal role in treason against the United States Government circulates internationally—especially in the EIR dossier on the Obama/Soros role in the Coup in Ukraine and today in the U.S.—the March 1 New York Times lets it all out, proudly presenting details of Obama's careful preparations during the last months of his presidency for the overthrow of the U.S. government—Après moi, le déluge."
Under the title: "Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking," a large team of the Times' neo-nazi journalists praise their tool Obama for collecting and disseminating material and making a "record" of fake reports about Russian interference in the election, supposedly (the Times writes) because they "feared that intelligence about Russian interference in the 2016 election could be covered up or destroyed."
They write:
"In the Obama administrations last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians across the government..., to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators."
Any doubt that Obama is committing treason, openly intending to use Goebbels-style lies to destroy the government of his country—was eliminated by this Times' admission of Obama's, and their own, subversive intentions and actions.
"As Inauguration Day approached," the story reads,
"Obama White House officials grew convinced that the intelligence was damning and that they needed to ensure that as many people as possible inside government could see it, even if people without security clearances could not. Some officials began asking specific questions at intelligence briefings, knowing the answers would be archived and could be easily unearthed by investigators including the Senate Intelligence Committee, which in early January announced an inquiry into Russian efforts to influence the election. At intelligence agencies, there was a push to process as much raw intelligence as possible into analyses, and to keep the reports at a relatively low classification level to ensure as wide a readership as possible across the government and, in some cases, among European allies. This allowed the upload of as much intelligence as possible to Intellipedia, a secret wiki used by American analysts to share information.
"There was also an effort to pass reports and other sensitive materials to Congress. In one instance, the State Department sent a cache of documents marked secret to Senator Benjamin Cardin of Maryland days before the Jan. 20 inauguration. The documents, detailing Russian efforts to intervene in elections worldwide, were sent in response to a request from Mr. Cardin, the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, and were shared with Republicans on the panel."
As usual, the Times acknowledges that the sources for their story demanded "anonymity because they were discussing classified information, nearly all of which remains secret." Except to the coup-plotters, of course.