Washington, Media Hysteria Harming U.S.-Russian Relations, Kremlin Spokesman Says
March 7, 2017 (EIRNS)—Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told CNN on Monday that ongoing hysteria in official Washington and in the U.S. media is "unbelievable" and damaging to U.S.-Russian relations.
"This is something unbelievable, and I don't actually think it corresponds with our national interests—I mean both interests of the U.S. and Russia,"
he said.
Questioned on whether it was wise for Donald Trump "to make Russia such a central part of his election campaign," Peshkov replied,
"Answering your question will mean that we interfere, and we don't have the slightest intention to interfere. The only thing I can tell is that all this hysteria in public opinion, hysteria in official Washington, hysteria in American media is doing lots of harm to the future of our bilateral relationship.
"Of course we'll never agree on everything, we'll continue our disagreements, but the sooner we start to talk, the better for both countries,"
Peskov said. "I think it's high time for someone in the [United] States so say, 'Listen guys, let's start to look at it from a different angle.'"
Peshkov brushed aside allegations of Russia hacking, "All that isn't true."
"No one can ignore the importance of the bilateral relationship with the U.S.," Peskov said.
"It's a very important country and it's a global player, number one, and it's [the] number one global economy, and we're all interested in a predictable, stable united America; and so, as for us, we're interested in having a predictable partner, a predictable vis-à-vis for dialogue."
"Unfortunately, we don't have a comfortable environment for the dialogue, and of course it's great pity," he said.
"We're really sorry about the situation that we are facing now. It is emotional extremism, of trying to make a toxic country out of Russia, to make a toxic ... ambassador out of Russia's ambassador,"
he said.
Still, he said he thought relations between Russia and the U.S. could recover.
"I think yes," Peskov said.
"Let's not think in categories of one day, one month, or even one year. Let's be a little bit more broad-minded. Let's be at least like our Chinese friends. They think about tens of years, hundreds of years, so inevitably we'll have our relationship normalized."