Ground Is Shifting on Obama/British Coup Attempt Against Trump
March 8, 2017 (EIRNS)—President Trump’s charge on March 3 that his campaign headquarters had been wiretapped by the Obama Administration, has caused a shift in the battleground of the London/Obama attempt to force Trump out "by resignation or impeachment."
As The Hill reports in a lead article today, Trump may "turn the tables" on Obama. The fact that the Obama Administration intelligence agencies were intensively surveilling Trump’s campaign and close advisors, looking for Russia connections, has effectively been clear since the start of the scandalizing of Gen. Michael Flynn in late January. But it was only the "scandalous" alleged products of that surveillance which were dominating media coverage and political debate. Since Trump’s March 3 charge, attention has turned to the surveillance itself and the continuous leakage of its real and alleged results by the NSA, FBI, and CIA. That conduct combines the elements of McCarthyism, and the Watergate scandal, against Obama’s operations.
Now come investigations by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, foreshadowed by Sen. Chuck Grassley’s charge in his Judiciary Committee March 7, that Democratic Senator Al Franken had ambushed Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the latter’s confirmation hearing with a just-released story based on intercepts leaked to Congress. House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said again today that he has seen no evidence that Russia intervened to help Trump, and added, "I do not believe that to be the case." His Committee’s hearing is set for March 20.
The Hill, as if rediscovering the New York Times anti-Trump campaign, writes
"The Times ran a story on inauguration day titled ‘Wiretapped Data Used In Inquiry of Trump Aides,’ which described how ‘American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump.’ And the Times has reported that Obama-administration officials left behind clues leading to ties between Trump and Russia so their successors might follow the trail."
And it comments that Obama’s denial of having personally ordered surveillance in Trump Tower was a very narrow and weak denial.
Wikileaks, in a March 7 press release on its dump of CIA cyber hacking documents, stresses the CIA’s ability to run "false flag" cyber hacking operations. Trump sources are stressing this means the CIA could have put Russian fingerprints on a hack of John Podesta’s emails.
But it is clear that beyond CIA, FBI, or FISA Court-ordered surveillance, the gushing leaks of secret information had to have as their origin the NSA, which immediately also means Britain’s GCHQ intelligence command. NSA veteran Walter Binney, interviewed by the Intercept March 7, said this surveillance was more likely done under Executive Order 12333 than FISA court orders. And the fact that the FBI partially funded British intelligence agent Christopher Steele’s opposition research against a U.S. Presidential candidate, Trump, will also be investigated in Congress.